How It Started

I have always wanted to showcase my country to the world through the web. This dream started in college, back in those days when the internet was still in its infancy in the early to the mid-90s. As a first attempt, our group thesis in college was a prototype website for Duty Free Philippines that included some photos and information about the Philippines. Unfortunately, we do not have a copy of it anymore.

Now, about 15 years later, the dream is still alive. It is 2011 and websites and blogs that relate to Philippine tourism abound. It does not matter. Each of these is a tool in letting the world know about this magnificent and blessed country that is, sadly, underrated in the global tourism arena. Mostly this might be due to political and economic factors.

All these will not stop me from making my dream a reality. In my eyes and in my heart, my country is naturally beautiful. It is not just my national pride that moves me to say and believe this. One just has to see and experience the natural wonders that are found here. This is the reason why I am doing this. This is the reason why I want you to KNOW MY PHILIPPINES.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Thrill of the Flight

1985.  It was the year I first rode an airplane.  I was 8 years old.  My Mom and I went to Iloilo to visit my sister who was working there.  I remember stepping out of the building and into a wide open space with some airplanes.  We walked towards one of those planes.  I do not remember it now but I know my Dad walked with us until we reached the plane, based on the photo posted here.  

That first plane ride, the thrill of that first trip will forever have its mark on my lifelong passion for traveling.  Like any "regular" person, I had to study and work and I do not get to travel as often as I like but it's all the more reason for me to cherish every chance I get to go somewhere else to discover new places, savor a different cuisine, and interact with so many people.  Oh yes, about 70-80% of these experiences I remember vividly like it was just yesterday, no matter how long it has been since it happened.  

It has been 26 years since that summer of 1985.  I've been to countless cities within the Philippines and to 10 countries in Asia and Europe since then.  I am thankful to God for those trips.  I look forward to going to every province in this country and to every country in the world.  After all, dreams do come true.

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